About me: girl. Professional in HK. Have good life habit with simple life but clean, easygoing, stable emotions and busy life.
1)卫生健康、没有传染病。碗筷杯子不囤积洗,保持家里卫生,爱护业主的房子。也没必要过于洁癖。(be nice and no affectionate disease like. No smoking, clean and be responsible to take care of the flat. Wash dishes and cups after using then and keep the kitchen clean, no fry food too often at home)
2)情绪稳定,遇事分析问题、解决问题。( mature and have stable emotion. Discuss and Fix the problem when it comes, chill , and nice)
3)诚实守信可靠,不带另一半过夜,如有朋友造访先让室友知道好有心理准备。(be honest and ,no bringing people to over night or coitus.)
4)用厕所不能太久太久。(如果男士尿尿要对准瓢并且要掀盖儿和擦干净)有保持马桶和洗手间卫生的习惯:冲马桶要盖盖儿。can’t stay at the Washington too long time and must keep the toilet clean after using it)
5)冰箱不放生肉,不在厨房油炸食物(因为很多油烟很讨厌和很伤害厨房)。(no raw meat in the fridge)
6)长租。如要走时要提前告知,好聚好散!(半年以上)月租10000HKD,押二付一。有意可以whatsapp65388960或微信(better long term rent and let me know earlier before leave in a month , two months deposit and pay one months previously. WhatsApp 65388960 if interested in it.